Body Psychotherapy is an embodied therapeutic approach built on the understanding that our minds and bodies work as one and cannot be separated. Our emotional, mental and physical experience are always interdependent. Through talking, movement, attuned touch, massage and body focused verbal and nonverbal work, Body Psychotherapy helps clients to get in touch with their core potential.
Often our bodies hold onto past unresolved conflicts. Merely talking doesn’t always help us to reach a place of healing and transformation. We know with our minds, but our physiology sometimes feels out of sync.
Body Psychotherapy invites us to acknowledge unexpressed feelings which we carry in our bodies. Reintegrating body and mind so that we can access our profound inner authenticity – our true self.
Biodynamic Massage can be an individual treatment or part of Body Psychotherapy. It is a psychotherapeutic massage with wide-ranging methods that address our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Biodynamic Massage is grounded in an integrated approach to health, exploring how our bodies hold our personal history and how repressed emotions negatively impact our physical health. Through the massage, we invite our bodies to release long-held stress and tension and to energise areas inside ourselves that feel lifeless.
Body Psychotherapy evolved soon after Psychotherapy began. Wilhelm Reich, a mentee of Freud explored and addressed the physical manifestations of his patients’ psychological issues. Reich’s ideas influenced many branches of Body Psychotherapy.
Biodynamic massage was first developed in Norway in the 1960’s. Psychologist Gerda Boyesen’s special interest lay with connections of mental health and bodily experience. She began using massage in her clinical practice.