Diastasis recti repair and core conditioning

Diastasis recti is a split of the rectus abdominis- the muscle that runs down the front of the core. This muscle is made up of two parts, the right and left Recti. They are connected by the Linea Alba (a connective tissue). This often occurs during pregnancy though its most likely only to be noticed after birth. In pregnancy, as the uterus grows and the stomach expands, the linea alba becomes stretched and loosened from the force against the stomach wall, together with the pregnancy hormones that soften the connective tissues in preparation for birth. After birth the connective tissue closes together but in many cases it still remains lax and is separated more than 2-2.5 finger widths or 2 cm. This is considered problematic because it means that the abdominal wall no longer offers the support needed to keep the internal organs in place and keep the pelvis stable.

This split can actually be seen in infants and toddlers who carry a little extra ‘tummy’. It is fairly common and generally joins together by the time the child is 3. In some cases though it remains open and some supportive exercises can help to close the gap.

A split larger than 2 cms can lessen the integral strength of the stomach wall which, besides being a problem for some of us because we constantly face questions of our ‘impending birth’ (when not pregnant at all!How embarrassing!), can often be the reason for much back pain, pelvic instability and pain, and general postural aches and pains.

It is possible to recondition the core and help the stomach to regain its former strength by reducing the diastisis – no matter how long ago you gave birth, and even if you’ve never given birth at all! In fact a strong core should be a precursor to becoming pregnant so that the core has the ability to support its increasing load and to have the where with all needed for the delivery and post partum recovery.

A special program aimed at rehabilitating the diastisis using non-invasive and supportive techniques can begin right after birth – the sooner you begin the better! Unlike regular exercises this is a prescriptive program based on regaining the inner postural strength that the inner core needs to function. This is not a high impact, crunch filled program. At the beginning it involves merely breathing and information on how to bend, lay down and go about functional living.

It is possible to fix a diastisis. It does not have to be a permanent souvenir of motherhood. It is not painful and it is most definitely possible to regain the full core strength that you had pre pregnancy and more – these techniques help to activate the muscles that tend to go to sleep unless our posture is in perfect alignment.

This program is safe for pre natal mothers too and will help to prepare your body for birth giving you the core strength to be able to deliver without ruining your core muscles. You will learn how to correctly use these muscles so that they work together with the delivery and not against it.

Recti Recovery

When the split is less than 2 cm width or you can feel your midline is strong and elastic you should no longer feel the hole in your stomach. Once the connective tissue has regained its former thickness and elasticity you should no longer be at risk of hernias. You will have the strength to correctly align your pelvic base, strengthening the floor muscles and reducing back pain and risk of pelvic prolapses.