Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy

Body Psychotherapy is an embodied integrative therapeutic approach, considering our physical, emotional and mental needs and recognising that all of these are intertwined within us. Our feelings and experiences can be accessed through talking and through non-verbal, embodied communications. Body Psychotherapy uses a range of techniques both verbal and nonverbal. Attuned touch, movement, awareness and tracking of body sensations, Biodynamic Massage, embodied mindfulness and visualisations are examples of the tools used in a client led approach with the belief that expertise, wisdom and healing lie within the client.

As our personal wounds are often stored in our bodies and held physiologically, Body Psychotherapists use specialist techniques, working within their client’s ‘window of tolerance’ to directly address the body for areas of contraction, fear and hopelessness. This can help clients to get in touch with experiences which are often difficult to access through talking therapy alone.

Biologically, as we develop and mature, we need to experience warm and supportive relationships. If this support is missing, it seriously impacts our bodies as well as our minds. Over time, our personal narratives manifest themselves in our bodies. Biodynamic Psychotherapy involves us exploring our stories, bringing covert patterns into our awareness so that they can be seen, understood and integrated into our current realities.

Biodynamic Psychotherapy helps us to gain an understanding of how certain life events impact us. Through talking, tuning in to body sensations and awareness of relational dynamics, we can develop awareness of how past events can influence our current behaviours and choices, which in turn invites us to discover more satisfying ways to relate to ourselves, others and our circumstances.