Youth work

I work with adolescents either on a one-on-one basis or in semi personal training groups. Both are beneficial depending on the specific needs of the teens involved. Many like having the company of a couple of friends and still others enjoy the freedom of being on their own without the worry of how they are perceived by their peers.

Part of the work that I do with this age group is coaching my clients on the significance and benefits of healthy living and its personal relevance to everyone. My hope for each of my clients is that they become their own independent fitness and wellness specialist, with the knowledge and inner resources to choose to live an optimal and healthy life.

I work with teens on self esteem and self concept issues using physical exercise as the medium for dialogue. My goal is to help the adolescents I train to work towards self actualisation. It is vital for us to believe in our capabilities and competence in order for us to succeed!

We focus on building self determination by building on intrinsic motivation – noticing the benefits and how good we feel taking responsibility for our physical self care. Moving away from extrinsic motivation – what we think other people think about us and our body shape. This encourages participation, pride in achievement and enjoyment as well as fostering the foundations of healthy self concepts.

I work on positive youth development by implementing the CARE principle. Nurturing the inner Competence in each of my clients as well as letting them make this Autonomous. We work on Relationships –both as a team and beyond and ensure that all sessions are Enjoyable.